Deviate - definition. What is Deviate
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Deviate; Deviates; Deviated; Deviation (disambiguation); Deviation (album); Deviation (movie); Девіація; Deviation (film)

·vt To cause to deviate.
II. Deviate ·vi To go out of the way; to turn aside from a course or a method; to stray or go astray; to Err; to Digress; to Diverge; to Vary.
I. v. n.
Digress, diverge, deflect, veer, tack, wheel, turn aside, alter one's course, wheel about.
Err, stray, swerve, wander, go astray, go out of one's way, lose one's way.
Differ, vary, diverge.
II. v. a.
Turn aside, cause to deviate.
1) to deviate sharply
2) (D; intr.) to deviate from



Deviation may refer to:

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